Composting in Georgia
Need resources to help inspire and assist you in composting at home? Or maybe you just want to learn more about why composting is so important? We’ve got the perfect tips, videos, activities, and books to help you get started and learn more about composting.
Backyard Composting Resources
Did you know 40% of food in America is wasted? In Georgia, food is the single largest component of material being landfilled. Want to make a difference in reducing food scraps going to the landfill? Compost your food scraps, soiled paper, and coffee grounds. Here are several resources to help you compost at home.
Composting at Home: An Introduction to the Basics Informative video to help you get started composting at home produced by Institute for Local Self-Reliance
Georgia Backyard Composting Brochure Provides basic information to help you get started with composting at home. Produced by the Georgia Recycling Coalition.
Backyard Composting Fact Sheet Tips for successful composting at home produced by the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station.
Reference Guide for backyard composting and vermicomposting Resources pertaining to backyard composting and vermicomposting gathered by the US Composting Council Research Education Foundation.
Georgia Recycling Coalition (GRC) Community-Composting Composting resources for the public, parents, and teachers.
Compost Books for Kids
Looking for a good book to read with your kids or students? We love Compost Stew and Diary of a Worm and think your kids will too! Check out our list of mom-approved books about composting below:
Bright, Bonnie – Casey’s Compost
Cronin, Doreen – Diary of a Worm
Glaser, Linda – Garbage Helps Our Garden Grow
Koontz, Robin – COMPOSTING: Nature’s Recyclers
Lay, Richard – A Green Kid’s Guide to Composting
Porter, Esther – What’s Sprouting in My Trash? A Book about Compost
Siddals, Mary McKenna – Compost Stew: An A to Z Recipe for the Earth
- Love Compost Stew? Then try one of these Compost Stew-themed, learning activities.
Compost Videos for Kids
Kids love exploring and playing in the dirt, so why not use this opportunity to teach them about composting. GRC has the tools you need to inspire and engage kids about composting.
Watch these adorable episodes below with your kids and then download GRC’s composting coloring book to reinforce the message.
Peg and Cat Curious About Compost
Activities and Games for Kids/Teachers
- Food is too good to go to waste! – Activity booklet focused on how to reduce wasted food created by US EPA. NEW!
- Do The Rot Thing – A Teacher’s Guide To Compost Activities by the Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District
- Earth Day Word Search –
- Compost Bin Word Find (Downloadable PDF with answer key)
- Think Composting is a program intended for use by educators to enhance organics recycling and composting lessons. Originally published by Hall County Resource Recovery, the Georgia Recycling Coalition provides free access to the program for educational purposes.
- Compost Resources for Teachers – Resource list compiled by the US Composting Council Research Education Foundation.
Community-based Composting Resources
Community Composting Done Right: A Guide to Best Management Practices Publication is designed to support new and existing community-scale composters in successfully managing their composting process and site, with focus on those sites accepting food scraps.
Community-based Composting White Paper Strategies to increase sustainable compost production for Metro Atlanta’s urban farms and community gardens.
Beyond Recycling: Composting Food Scraps & Soiled Paper prepared for EPA Region 9 by the Center for a Competitive Waste Industry.
Community Composting in GA Facebook Page
Residential Source Separated Organics Collection Tool Kit Designed to provide guidance and resources for local governments to evaluate the feasibility of residential curbside collection of source-separated organics (SSO).
General Resources
USCC Compost Fact Sheet: Compost and Its Benefits
Composting Sites in Georgia – Georgia Environmental Protection Division
Standard Volume to Weight Conversion Factors List of standard volume to weight conversion factors for materials, including food scraps.
State Rules Pertaining to Mulching, Composting and Anaerobic Digestion (in Georgia)
393-3-4-.16 Georgia’s solid waste rules pertaining to mulching, composting and anaerobic digestion
Organizations (In Georgia)
FoodWell Alliance A collaborative network of local leaders working to build thriving farms and gardens that enhance the health, vitality, and resilience of communities across metro Atlanta.
UGA Extension: Community & School Gardens (Facebook) Place for community and school gardeners to learn tips for successful gardening and to share photos of their gardens.
Educational Videos
Glad’s simple instructional video on How to Compost in 3 Steps
Glad’s simple instructional video on How to Make a Compost Bin at home
National Geographic –Green Home Makeover – Compost
Lee Reich writer for Fine Gardening Magazine- How to Make Compost
Composting 101– basic video for backyard composting
Regional and National Organizations
US Composting Council (USCC) National, non-profit trade and professional organization dedicated to promoting the recycling of organics materials to composting.
Composting Council Research Education Foundation (CCREF Provides resources, educational materials, training, networking, and career advancement opportunities for professionals and all those affiliated with the compost manufacturing and organics recycling industry.
Composting Collaborative The Composting Collaborative brings together composters, businesses, and policymakers to share best practices and resources and find innovative solutions to shared challenges.
Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) Contains publications and resources to promote community-based composting.
Community Composting Law & Policy Project Project provides legal and policy support to community composters facing regulatory, zoning, and permitting barriers.
Terra Nova Compost International compost education and consulting organization co-located in New York, New York and Atlanta, Georgia. Terra Nova Compost is dedicated to social justice and environmental sustainability, and seeks to literally and figuratively transform our environment through the art and science of making compost, or ‘terra nova’, new earth.
Further with Food Provides comprehensive information about food loss and waste in the United States and about solutions dedicated to reducing it.