Curbside or Drop-Off?
Depending where you live, there may be curbside recycling or you may have to travel somewhere on or off the property to deposit your recyclable materials.
Most single family residential curbside is now being handled with rolling carts that have lids—more convenient for the homeowner and better to keep materials clean and dry. Unless otherwise instructed, recycled materials can be co-mingled or mixed in the carts, making sure you place only accepted materials (per instructions provided) into the carts. And placing them in the cart loose (not in plastic bags is preferable. Otherwise, your material may be considered contaminated and rejected for pickup. Incorrect materials in the carts result in cost and processing issues for your hauler/collector when they arrive at Materials Recovery Facilities (MRFs) where they are sorted, baled and prepared for transport to manufacturers for use in making new products.
Drop off sites vary in location type and materials accepted. Some may allow co-mingling of most regular household recyclables or may request separation per labeling on bins. These sites also may offer recycling or proper disposal of a wider array of materials like electronics, household goods, textiles, polystyrene and some special materials like household hazardous waste.
To learn about opportunities in your community or neighborhood, contact your local county or city Public Works, Sanitation, or Environment Departments. Also check if your community has a Keep Georgia Beautiful affiliate to assist further:
Managing and Transforming Waste Streams – A Tool for Communities