Georgia Composting Council Programs and Training
National Resources
Compost University™ Online Training and Certification
US Composting Council (USCC) and the Compost Research and Education Foundation (CREF) offer the dedicated online Compost University™ for professionals in the composting and organics recycling industry. Members can access on-demand training, earn continuing education credits, and obtain or maintain certifications. Learn more
Seal of Testing Assurance Program for Compost Manufacturers
The Seal of Testing Assurance (STA) Program a Compost Technical Data Sheet (CTDS) includes test results, a list of ingredients, and recommended directions for use. For more information on the Seal of Testing Assurance and requirements, visit the US Composting Council’s STA page or email @
Looking for a list of companies that participate, view the List of STA Certified Compost Participants and Products
State Resources
Training Document for Permit-by-Rule Facilities in Georgia