Pushing Back on the Green Fence – October 2017

The Green Fence launched by the Chinese government in 2013, was an initiative designed to ensure that bales of imported recyclables, including paper and plastics, contained those recyclables and no garbage or … Continued

From Garbage to Gardens: Composting Gains Steam

Americans composted nearly two million tons of food, and food-composting collection programs reached more than 2.8 million households in 2014, according to a November 2016 EPA report. However, the agency … Continued

Glass Recycling Coalition Announces New Tool

The Glass Recycling Coalition (GRC) has released an online decision-making tool aimed at helping recycling program managers evaluate how to optimize glass recycling. Developed with the help of GRC members … Continued

The World’s First Mall for Recycled Goods

ReTuna Återbruksgalleria is a mall dedicated entirely to repaired and upcycled goods. It combines a traditional municipal recycling centre with a shopping centre, so that people can drop off goods … Continued